Auction Catalog

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American Flag Flown over the Cap...

Congressman Michael McCaul

American Flag Flown over the Capitol with Certificae of Authenticity, Personal Tour of the Capital with Congressman McCaul and airfare for 2 to Washingtong D.C. 

American Flag Flown over the Capitol with Certificae of Authenticity, Personal Tour of the Capital with Congressman McCaul and airfare for 2 to Washingtong D.C. 

American Flag Flown over the Capitol with Certificae of Authenticity, Personal Tour of the Capital with Congressman McCaul and airfare for 2 to Washingtong D.C. 

Dinner Prepared by Capt. Fine & ...

Capt. & Mrs. Robert and Anita Fine & Chef Paul Liptak of the Club at Treasure Island

Value $ Priceless Donated by: Capt. & Mrs. Robert and Anita Fine and Chef Paul Liptak of the Club at Treasure Island


Enjoy dinner for eight at The Club at Treasure Island prepared by our own mighty chefs extraordinaire, Farragut headmaster Capt. Bob Fine with Executive Chef Paul Liptak.  The evening includes delectable cuisine, wine and fellowship. Date to be coordinated with Capt. Fine.

Value $ Priceless Donated by: Capt. & Mrs. Robert and Anita Fine and Chef Paul Liptak of the Club at Treasure Island


Enjoy dinner for eight at The Club at Treasure Island prepared by our own mighty chefs extraordinaire, Farragut headmaster Capt. Bob Fine with Executive Chef Paul Liptak.  The evening includes delectable cuisine, wine and fellowship. Date to be coordinated with Capt. Fine.

Value $ Priceless Donated by: Capt. & Mrs. Robert and Anita Fine and Chef Paul Liptak of the Club at Treasure Island


Enjoy dinner for eight at The Club at Treasure Island prepared by our own mighty chefs extraordinaire, Farragut headmaster Capt. Bob Fine with Executive Chef Paul Liptak.  The evening includes delectable cuisine, wine and fellowship. Date to be coordinated with Capt. Fine.

Lower School Parking Spot

Admiral Farragut Academy

Sunset, Appetizers, Cocktails, a...

Hurricane Seafood Restaurant

Why wait for a Hurricane....Come to The Hurricane Restaurant to enjoy this 2 hour open bar cocktail party on the roof for 20 people.  Enjoy the view and sunset stress free with your friends. 

  • Cocktails (1) Hour limit and Appetizers (1) Hour limit
  • You (2) and 20 of your closest Family & friends
  • Guest must be 21 years old and drink responsibly
  • Date to be mutually agrred upon 
  • Exprires December 21, 2017

Why wait for a Hurricane....Come to The Hurricane Restaurant to enjoy this 2 hour open bar cocktail party on the roof for 20 people.  Enjoy the view and sunset stress free with your friends. 

  • Cocktails (1) Hour limit and Appetizers (1) Hour limit
  • You (2) and 20 of your closest Family & friends
  • Guest must be 21 years old and drink responsibly
  • Date to be mutually agrred upon 
  • Exprires December 21, 2017

Why wait for a Hurricane....Come to The Hurricane Restaurant to enjoy this 2 hour open bar cocktail party on the roof for 20 people.  Enjoy the view and sunset stress free with your friends. 

  • Cocktails (1) Hour limit and Appetizers (1) Hour limit
  • You (2) and 20 of your closest Family & friends
  • Guest must be 21 years old and drink responsibly
  • Date to be mutually agrred upon 
  • Exprires December 21, 2017

Upper School Parking Spot

Admiral Farragut Academy